Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Create a Timeline to Stay on Track

If you are planning a party or event, the most important tool you can have in your arsenal is a detailed timeline. The timeline can help you foresee conflicts and serve as a schedule for everyone involved in putting the event together. My timelines always start from the day I begin to plan. The timeline will include everything I need to do to get me up to the day of the event and then I create a seperate timeline for the party date to give to everyone involved [though not guests, obviously!]

A good timeline will include everything necessary for each step along the way. For example, you may write that the guests will begin arriving at 1:00pm. At this time, you may also write on your timeline where everyone should be when guests arrive and what will be going on in terms of welcome activities, etc.

Be careful not to allow too much "buffer" time in between activities. Yes, it may take time for your guests to travel from one area to another, but once you start to factor in all this extra time, your timeline will be thrown off or you may end up with guests standing around. Though your timeline should be flexible, its purpose is to keep you on track so try to stick to it!

Have you ever used a timeline or agenda when planning an event?

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